Your Solutions Provider!
About Us

Solutions Provider
At Hallbar Consulting we know biogas, nutrient management and sustainability. Created over a decade ago to be the trusted solutions provider, we give our clients sound advice and independent support they can trust. With quality as our cornerstone, we are busy building a well-deserved reputation as the biogas, nutrient management and sustainability solutions provider.

Technology-Neutral Consulting
At Hallbar Consulting we don't sell equipment or partner with any equipment suppliers. Neither do we accept commission or gifts from companies. Instead, we use our expertise to identify the best available technology, irrespective of type or supplier, and make informed and considered recommendations so that our clients can maximise their opportunities and overcome any challenges they face.

Excellence and Success
Whether simply discussing opportunities or helping to formulate an idea, undertaking a feasibility assessment, negotiating a contract, assessing a technology, conducting research, securing a permit or approval, applying for funding, or overall project management, at Hallbar Consulting we work hard everyday to ensure our clients receive exceptional service and achieve the success they deserve.